So I know it has been quite a while since I got on here and actually posted anything. Believe it, or not, but staying home all day with Caitlyn actually keeps me very busy and when she is ready to nap or go to bed for the night that is Mommy's time to relax. So I decided to blog this morning since Caitlyn is actually sleeping in and I'm up before she is!

The day we brought her home I laid her on the floor, on her belly, to see what she would do and she started pivoting in a circle! So for the first couple of days I put toys around her and she just moved in circles to get what she wanted. Then she started to move across the floor, while she was still pivoting in circles! I think it was by day 4 Caitlyn was crawling across the floor like she did when she wasn't in a cast. It's more of an army crawl, where she uses her big toe on her right foot to push off with and her arms to pull herself and that's how she gets to where she wants to go.
She is now pulling herself up to her knees on things, like: the couch to get Mommy and Daddy's attention, the coffee table, the doors on the computer and the doors on the tv stand. We had to go buy baby locks to put on the computer and tv stand doors because Caitlyn figured out how to open the doors and then slam them back shut. She thought it was just hilarious when she slammed them so loud! Just the other day she started to pull up to her knees and once she got settled she pulled really hard with her arms to try and stand! Since the cast makes her legs uneven she can't actually get to a standing position, but she sure tries to get her right foot on the ground! What a little pistol!
And here is the kicker......she has figured out how to roll over while wearing her cast! She can only roll from her belly to her back and then she is stuck. So she gets frustrated and needs me to roll her back onto her belly again. She kicks off with her right foot a few times and then finally builds up enough momentum for that last kick and then over she goes!! The other morning I walked into her room and she had managed to roll over at the end of her her butt and right leg was just sticking in the air! She is not letting anything that is wrong with her hold her back one little bit. That's how I hope to raise her, to be strong and independent and not let something like this keep her down!
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