Posted: the morning of Wednesday, May,
I can't believe it,
the day is finally here, we leave for Milwaukee this afternoon and won't return
for quite a while. Tomorrow is surgery and in a few days my little lover starts
chemo once again. This is not going to be an easy road these next few months.
My stomach is feeling very uneasy at the moment. Stay calm Mama and stay
positive, it will all be worth it in the end.
be keeping u in my thoughts & prayers! plz keep me posted! much ♥ & im
always here if u need to talk! my # is on my profile.
u all•
of you!!!
all goes well. U will all be in my prayers.
and prayers are with you !!! Please keep us posted..
and Caity are in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck hun and let me know if
there is anything I can do for you at all. :-)
my love and strength I'm sending with you! Call me text me whenever! You can do
this. Mommy power is stronger then anything. Hugs for both of you!
for your little on Sondra! Hope all goes as smooth as possible!!
of you and Your Family in your time of need! Keep ur Chins up and try and Stay Positive!
Give Little Miss Caity my Love! Hang in there Momma it will be ok!
Gruenwald: Thank you everybody
for all your kind words and support! We made it to Milwaukee and I will update
tomorrow as I get updates from the OR. She is strong and I know will do GREAT!
Posted: evening of Wednesday, May 16th
made it to Milwaukee, along with
losing my wallet, money, debit card, social security cards, car and health
insurance cards...fml. But, we made it, went swimming, ate unhealthy pizza,
then had baths. Caity and I are pooped and ready for bed....I will update
crappy! try and sleep well tonight you two and
digest that darn pizza ;) and start fresh tomorrow with cold pizza and
cartoons..... still prayin for ya. We will pray harder. :) *hug*
Hang in there.Tomorrow is a new day... You both
Will be in my thoughts..
You guys will be just fine......sending happy
thoughts your way!!!!
Posted: morning
of Thursday, May 17th
Caity likes her versed, her face in on the ipad! |
at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin with Louise. Let's
hurry up and get here just to sit and wait. It's a good thing Caity is such a
good girl about it all.
Sondra Gruenwald: And cue [my] heart
racing and elevated blood pressure
Best of Luck with Everything, let us know what's
going on as soon as you find out. ♥ ya lil miss caity!
Posted: Early
afternoon of Thursday, May 17th
Update #1: PICC line went in smoothly, only one poke -
HURRAY for that! Dr. King is starting to work his magic as we speak. The plan
is to make two incisions on her leg. One running down right in between her
"x" scars and another one down the lateral part of her leg. So lots
of healing and she will be back in the OR every 3-4 days while we are here.
Then, as I said before, chemo will be started in just a few days. Oh Lord,
please give me the strength to make it through this day!
Posted: Mid afternoon of Thursday, May
Update #2: I heard from the nurse a while ago but just now
got a chance to update. Caity-bug is doing really well, her vitals are all
staying stable. Dr. King is still (or he was when I talked to the RN) working
on her first incision and will be starting on the second shortly. So it will be
another couple of hours before he is finished. We did get a room number so at
least Louise and I were able to lug all of our belongings to the room, it
literally feels like we are moving in.
Good to hear!
Keep us updated!
put your hands in the air and raise the roof for an AWESOME new leg! |
Posted: Late
afternoon of Thursday, May 17th
Surgery is over and she is doing GREAT! Dr. King only made
one incision and was able to get around her whole leg with just that opening!
She did lose some blood so she may need a blood transfusion in a little while.
I will post pictures as soon as she is settled. I can't wait to go back in
recovery to see her!
Cait we love you! ♥
Yay what great news,
give her my ♥
What great news!
I love you guys! I hope
recovery goes well, I miss keeping you company during these hospital visits. My
heart and prayers are with you.
Posted: Evening of Thursday, May 17th
she had to sleep with her balloon! |
Update #4: We are settled in our room and Caitlyn is still
asleep. This is really unlike her to sleep so long after sedation/surgery. We
are having an issue with her O2 stats dropping and staying low. She does have a
pain pump and is on a constant drip of morphine so this may be contributing to
both her excessive sleepiness and her oxygen levels. The nurse is calling the
pain management team now to discuss slowing her dose down a little bit. Also,
she is losing quite a bit of fluid and blood into her VAC so the possibility of
a blood transfusion is increasing by the minute. I will update if anything
changes. Thank you all for the continued support! Now if only I had my damn
Debbie: prayers
and hugs your way!!!
Sondra Gruenwald: Thanks Debbie, we are still fighting these oxygen levels, ugh!
Hey you how is baby girl
doing? Keeping U n ur Family in my Thoughts and Prayers. Wishing my Little
Peanut and Quick and Full Recovery. Let me know if you need anything.
Hannah: Sending
prayers/good vibes your way.. And let me know if you ever need/want company on
a hospital stay.
Sondra Gruenwald: Thanks! And we always want and need visitors! We are so far from
family that most dont make the trip down. But we are here for two to three
weeks if you would like to come be bored with us! Lol
Hannah: Which hospital
are you at?
Arianna: omg thinking of
you guys llove you and praying for you always <#!!
Sondra Gruenwald: Hannah: we are at the childrens
hospital in milwaukee, right next to the froedert hospital and clinics.
Sondra Gruenwald: Arianna: love you dearly!
Lord we pray for your
healing power to permeate Caitlyn.
Ohhhh gosh I am
praying for Caitlyn both have such strong souls... You are both
Posted: Early morning hours of Friday, May 18th
Caitlyn still hasn't peed so we are talking to the
resident on-call about putting in a folly, she is in quite a bit of pain which
breaks my Mama's heart, and now she has started with a little bit of a fever.
I'm so tired I just want to sleep but now I'm just focusing on her so my eyes
will have to wait their turn.
Thinking about yall!
Crappy, but at
least it will take away some pain for her. Did your docs reduce the morphine drip?
Hang in there lady.
Posted: Early-morning of Friday, May 18th
Caitlyn has had a pretty rough first night. We did reduce
her constant morphine drip but her oxygen levels have still staggered on the
low end. She continues to have muscle spasms that cause her quite a deal of
pain, we will discuss using a muscle relaxer with the pain management team this
morning. She slept all day and now all night. Waking only for two banana
popsicles, when they put the folly in, and briefly when she has pain. She is
now on oxygen through a nasal cannula and she is wheezing quite a bit,
especially in her right lung, I pray this is not the onset of pneumonia.
Heavenly Father....we just lift Caity up
to right now Lord, touch her little body....and heal her ....Lord You have said
that if we come to You in 3or more....well Lord Im sure there will be and are
plenty of us that are praying for her and Sondra.
Please touch her body and heal her and take these muscle spasms away, and clear
her lungs, and take away all her pain....Lord keep Your calming hand on Sondra
and Peter as they stumble through thos ordeal with their baby girl. They are
very good and strong parents and can come through this!! We thank You for ALL
that You do and for Your healing Your name we pray......AMEN!!!!
Lord nothing is
impossible for you! We agree for Caitlyn's lungs to clear and pain be gone in
Jesus Name. Caitlyn's muscles relax and spasms stop. Mercy and goodness will
follow this family all the days of their lives. Peace be still.
Posted: Mid-Morning
of Friday, May 18th
Her tears and cries of pain cut clear through my heart,
without a second thought I would trade places with her...if only it were that
:( hang in there
girly, I know if I were you I would feel the same way, but its when Caity sees
you breaking down, that's when its going to make it hard on her. Just take a
deep breath and know that you are doing this to better her in the future! Give
Caity my Love and if u ever wanna chat you have my number.
so sad about that...give
her a lot of hugs, it´s not going to be easy, but you have to be strong
girls!!!! you can do it!!
I'm so sorry you
have to go through this. But it will all be worth it. Just try to be strong for
Cait ♥
![]() |
Thank you Leeanna for making this for me! |
Posted: Late-Morning of Friday, May 18th
poor girl is out and about but not feeling the best |
We were actually able to get Caitlyn out of bed and into
a wagon for a walk. It wasn't easy and I'm sure it was painful but she really
wanted to go for a ride, so we did! She still hasn't eaten anything but I think
that will come with time. She is off the nasal cannula, for now, and doing
really well. So far, no blood transfusion, I think we are going to do another
CBC later and see where her levels are at. She is
in bed now but having a hard time sleeping because the morphine keeps making
her body jerk and then she cries out in's like a catch 22. I will
update again after we see Dr. King and Dr. Kelly (her oncologist) this
afternoon. Thank you all again, for your continued support, prayers, and kind
Posted: Early-Afternoon of Friday, May 18th
What a horrible day this has been. The morphine is kicking
Caitlyn's ass. The poor girl jerks and jerks in her sleep and she scratched her
eyes so bad that she started pulling her IV out. It took every ounce of my
being to not take the chocolate pudding cup and throw it against the wall. I
don't know what to do for her! And then I turn around and get frustrated with
her when I know she can't help it. Oh, damn. She is FINALLY calm and
settled...still jerking but the pain team ordered a different medicine other
than benadryl to help her (because the benadryl didn't do a damn thing). Why
does she have to go through this!? We have only been here a day and I'm ready
to pack her up and run away!
Mary: Try to stay calm
Sondra. Caitlyn can sense your anxiety. Play music or take a walk for 2
minutes. I remember when I came out of brain surgery and was on my way to neuro
ICU there was one nurse who calmly told me I was going to be better! Her
encouragement gave me peace to make it!
Gruenwald: Music is a wonderful
idea. Louise keeps telling me to leave for a while, I just can't. I feel like I
fail her if I just turn my back and walk away. Maybe that stems from my mother
when I was a child. Either way, I can't just leave her. I took a moment outside
the room and called Peter. He let me vent and cry so now I feel a little
better. We have only been here a day and I already feel so will I
make it for 2-3 weeks?
Mary: You are a
great mom. Don't look back! Never compare yourself to anyone. You are confident
and capable. God chose you to be Caitlyn's mom because He enables you to love
her. We all had mom's and had difficult times growing up. Each time you forgive
yours and others mistakes from the past you grow more to be like Jesus. His
love is perfect and overcomes fear. Do not fear for you, Caitlyn or Pete. He
will never leave you nor forsake you. He is always with Caitlyn...take a
breather and show her you are confident. Love you.
Gruenwald: You don't have to make it for 2-3. You just gotta get through
One then I'll be there with ya babe. I'll do everything I can I promise. Get
what sleep you can and know you are and have been doing the right thing.
Caitlyn will thank you for this for the rest of her life. Kisses.
All I can say is
breathe and then breathe some more. Sometimes you have to take things day by
day and other times its hour by hour or minute by minute. This "IS"
hard but just think about how much better she'll be when she's healed. You are
an amazing mom!!! It takes some pretty special people to deal with kids and
stress like we do. You CAN do this!!! Sending hugs, love. Prayers, and
everything else!!!
Mid-Afternoon of Friday, May 18th
Finally snuggling with Caitlyn. That's all the poor lover
wanted, was to hug her mama. If feels good holding again and having her sleep
in my arms.
Posted: Evening of Friday, May 18th
after all that, that horrible night and day, and Caitlyn
didn't want to sleep with me, she wanted Grandma instead. Kinda breaks my heart
Arlene: Sometimes i
thought I saw my daughter's heart break too. I truly believe that a child who
has suffered allot is close to Jesus and knows when mommie needs a break and
needs more energy and who in the room needs to be able to give or be given to
by the child. Don't worry she'll always want you when she is at her worst. She
knows who takes care of all her needs all the time.
Peter Gruenwald I second that.
Mary: Get your rest and be thankful Louise is there.
Sondra Gruenwald I agree Arlene I just felt hurt, stupid I know to feel that way
from a 2 year old, but I did nonetheless. But 20 minutes later she woke back up
and asked for Mama to sleep with her. :o) I said,"Don't you want your
Grandma?" "No, my Mama sleep in the bed." I can't stay mad for
long with a sweetie like that!
Mary: I am incredibly thankful Louise is here. I don't
know how I would have gotten through today without her. She is a blessing in my
life, one that I will be forever grateful for! I will be so sad to see her go
on Sunday. :o(
Feelings aren't stupid, we can't help what we
feel. I just know that when I am stressed and overly tired my emotions seem to
take control and get the best of me. You are a mom, so strong even in your
weakness. God certainly is with you.
Late-Evening of Friday, May 18th
We are having a MUCH better night. The morphine is finally
leaving her system and her body spasms have slowed down drastically. She still
has them but at least they aren't causing her pain or waking her up. The nurse
came in a while ago so Caitlyn could have a dose of medication, I woke her up
and asked if she could sit up to take her yummy medicine, she says, "sure
mama," and sits herself right up in bed! HUGE
improvement from this morning and amazing since her incision goes all the way into
her groin and almost to her left flank. Hopefully, she does well over night and
her pain stays at bay. She is still itching her eyes, belly, and mons quite a
bit...I really do think she is allergic to the morphine. She did just get
another dose of meds in her IV to help with the itching, let's pray it works
better than the damn benadryl did!
Thinking of you
guys. Hope you guys get some sleep. Keep us updated. I will continue to pray
for the little angel.
Posted: Late-Evening of Friday, May 18th
From across the room, in a hospital bed, I hear the most
beautiful sound coming from the most beautiful girl, "Ahhhhhhh." As
if sighing in relief at last and a good, uninterrupted, night's sleep. Sleep
sweet my sunshine-babe.
Posted: Early-Morning of Saturday, May 19th
What a wonderful night Caity-bug has had; in fact, she is
still sleeping soundly. She woke up only once, at 4am, to get a dose of
medicine. She was so sweet and so good about it. Then I told her it was time to
go back to bed and she laid back down and had to have her grandma's blanket.
After laying back down myself, I hear her from across the room, "Caitlyn have
her animals? Mooooom, I have my animals, please?" So of course I got up to
give her all her stuffed animals. She fell right to sleep after. Praise the
Lord I have my girl back!
Sondra Gruenwald: Rise
and shine my pretty girl. She woke up and decided to play and talk with herself
for a while...I miss listening to this when she was a baby!
Lean not on your
own understanding...His ways are not your own. He is good all the time. Rejoice
and be glad. Love is your greatest weapon.
Posted: Mid-Afternoon of Saturday, May 19th
Caitlyn's CBC levels were pretty low. She is now getting an
adult size unit of blood which will take about three hours to transfuse.
We really didn't mean to stay so long. Caitlyn
is precious and so cute. She is a very strong person, taking things in stride.
I really meant to talk to you more Sondra, so that I could have gotten to know
you better while we were there. Louise has got my number, so if you want to
chit chat call, I don't work. Hope she feels better after the transfusion. she
must have felt so drained. You are a super mom.
Sondra Gruenwald: Thanks Arlene! No worries, we really
enjoyed your company!! Louise told me that she has your number and please feel
free to come visit this week if you want, I would love to just sit and have
adult conversations once Louise leaves! :o) The transfusion is going well, she
isn't having a reaction which is good because she has in the past. And she is
still sleeping soundly - she needed it.
Really enjoyed being there. Called up my
daughter Jennifer and asked her to have Sophia draw a picture for Caitlyn and
send it to her, hope she follows through with it. Take care, I know that I'm
going to miss Louise this week allot. It was so good to see her. she has always
been so special to me.
I feel honored and blessed by you allowing us to
visit today.
Sondra Gruenwald: I'm glad you both were able to
reconnect, I could tell it was really nice for you and her. And THANK YOU for
coming, it's nice for Caity to get visitors, especially since our family lives
so far away. The dress was beautiful, too! And thank you again for the book!!
Caity found a star but couldn't find "her" moon |
Posted: Evening of
Saturday, May 19th
had a wonderful walk outside with Caity tonight in the cute
little garden at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. The air was warm and breezy
and Caity-bug didn't want to come back inside. I think another walk like that
tomorrow night will be really nice for her, especially since she is able to use
a wheelchair instead of a little wagon!
Lovin my girl! |
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